Saturday, February 26, 2011

Harry Potter pgs. 180 - 309

After the troll, there are flying lessons. A boy named Neville gets hurt and Madam Hooch takes him to the hospital. Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin punk, picks up a belonging of Neville's. He flies away with it and Harry comes after him. Malfoy throws it and Harry flies after it. He catches it just before it hits the building and Madam McGonagle sees him do this. She wants Harry to be the Seeker for the Griffyndor house. In Quidditch, Harry's only job is to catch the Golden Snitch. In his first game, he falls off his broom and catches the snitch in his mouth.
After that Christmas comes up and Harry gets an invisibility cloak. They're very rare and it doesn't say who it's from. Harry uses it to roam the halls at night. Hermione has been doing research about a mysterious object that Hagrid got from a vault. She believed it to be something powerful that was being hidden in the school and made by Nicholas Flamel. Harry, Ron, and Hermione have always been suspicious of Snape and think he plans to steal it. Harry uses his invisibility cloak to go to the restricted section in the library. He finds that Nicholas Flamel is the only known creator of the Sorcerer's Stone which can give someone immortality. The next night, the three go to Hagrid's to ask about the stone. They are seen by Draco and he turns them in. All four of them have detention in the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid. Draco and Harry are trying to find a dead unicorn. When they find it, they also find someone sucking the blood of the unicorn. It tries to attack Harry and Draco but the centaurs come and scare it away. Hagrid explains that that was Voldemort. On their way back they accidentally go on the third floor which is forbidden. They go into a door and and find Fluffy, the three headed dog. He's guarding a trapdoor. The next night they go into the trapdoor to stop Snape from getting the Sorcerer's Stone which they believe is hidden in their.
Once in they go through obstacles and Ron is injured in a human chess game. Harry continues while Hermione stays with Ron. He meets up with Mr. Quirrel. Harry was expecting Snape and he's confused. Professor Quirrel takes off his headbands to reveal another face on the back of his head. Harry looks in a mirror to see his reflection put the stone in his pocket. Quirrel attacks Harry for it, but as soon as he touches Harry, he disintegrates. The dust reforms and knocks Harry out. He wakes up in the hospital.
Dumbledore explains everything to him. On the last day of school, Harry wins them the house cup and he has to go home, but he'll come back next year.

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