Friday, April 15, 2011

The Grapes of Wrath pgs. 203 - 272

After days of traveling, the Joads and Wilsons arrive in California. Although they still have miles to go to get to the green fields they've been expecting. They meet a man and his son who are leaving f because they were unable to make a living there. They disregard this and continue on their trip. Noah announces that he's going to stay by river and make a living fishing. That night he runs away. Grandma has been doing poorly since Grandpa died. She's in the back of the truck hallucinating when policemen tell them they have to keep moving. They are then stopped later by police for a agriculture inspection. Ma realizes Grandma has been dead for a while. She lays with the body all night, saying how the family is falling apart.
Chapter 19 describes how Americans in California forced Mexicans out and now they are angry that the "Okies" are taking "their"land from them. In a way, the wealthy farmers of California are getting a taste of their own medicine.
The Joads settle in a "Hooverville" with many other families. A young man named Floyd tells them that if they have to talk to a cop, convince them that you are mentally handicapped. This keeps them from bothering you. He explains why no one can revolt against the landowners. Anyone who starts talking about that is blacklisted and will not find work in the state of California ever. Ma makes some soup and feeds her own family first. Afterwards, hungry children fight over the leftovers. A fight breaks out between some men and a police officer. Tom knocks him out but Casy decides to take the blame and is arrested.
They leave the Hooverville and head further into California. The come across men on a road with shotguns blocking their way. They are dedicated to "keeping Okies out". The hatred for immigrants bring them all together and landowners are starting to fear their numbers.

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