Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Grapes of Wrath pgs. 150 - 202

The couple of cars on the highway starts to turn into a heavy flood of what seems like every car in the world heading toward California. A waitress and cook named Mae and Al own a small restaurant off of Route 66. They watch as car after car pass their store. Two truckers come in and are friendly enough to Mae. She looks forward to truckers because they always tip the most. They are making small talk when a man with two young boys comes in and asks to buy a loaf of bread for ten cents. She tries to brush him off saying that she'd have to charge more. Al grunts at her to sell the bread to the man. While doing this she sees the boys eyeing some candy that goes for five cents a piece. She sells the man two of them for just a penny. The truckers witnessing this kindness tip Mae extra.
Back to the Joads' family, they have been traveling for three days when Rose says that she and Connie plan on moving into the city so they can run their own business. Ma Joads doesn't like this and scolds the idea of splitting up the family. The Wilson's car breaks down and they all stop to fix it. Al and Tom go into a town to find a mechanic who complains a lot and barely wants to help. Meanwhile, at the camp Pa tells a man he is going to California for work and the man informs him that he's already been there and there's no jobs left. This worries Pa but they decide to keep going. As people traveled, they formed groups and twenty families would come together to make one giant family with their own codes and rules.

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