Monday, March 14, 2011

The Color Purple (pgs. 79 - 162)

In these letters Shug Avery gets sick and Mr. _____ takes her in. She's mean to Cecil calling her ugly. Cecil helps Shug back to help and they become acquaintances. Harpo starts to get fat so that he'll be bigger than Sofia and can beat her. Cecil advises against beating this time. Mr. _____ brother and father come to visit. They're both angry with disapproval towards Mr.____ taking in Shug.
Sofia tells Cecil that she is having second thoughts about Harpo. Their sex life is falling apart and he keeps trying to beat her. Sofia leaves and goes to live with her sister. She took the children with her.
A few months later, Harpo and his friend open a bar with performers. Shug sings there and dedicates a song to Cecil. She is filled with joy and a sisterly love for Shug. She figures Mr. ____ and Shug are meant to be together. But when Shug thinks about leaving, Cecil begs her to stay. She tells Shug how Mr. ____ beats her, and Shug decides to stay. They start to talk about sex and how much Cecil hates (as she's only been raped her whole life). Cecil says she's alright but she cries when she hears Mr. ____ and Shug having sex that night.
Harpo has a new girlfriend called Squeak. At his bar, Sofia makes a surprise visit and Harpo and Sofia talk then dance. This makes Squeak angry and she slaps Sofia. We already know how good of a fighter Sofia is. She knocks out two of Squeak's teeth. Sofia then storms out with her new man.
Later, the mayor's wife asks Sofia to be her servant, she responds "Hell no" which gets her slapped by the Mayor. She then knocks out the Mayor which lands her in jail. Squeak is the neice of the wardon and goes to plead Sofia is released. She's instead raped and Sofia remains in jail.
These chapters are harsh, especially at the end. The book doesn't censor much and can surprise me with its language. I think Sofia is my favorite character with how good of a fighter she is. She's not afraid to stand up for what's right.

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